Pialang Terbaik untuk Pedagang Forex. Baru-baru ini, seorang investor yang ingin, katakan, bertaruh pada kenaikan euro pada dasarnya memiliki dua pilihan untuk memanggil pialang layanan penuh atau pergi ke Eropa dengan koper kosong Hari ini, dengan 16 broker online berlomba-lomba Untuk bisnis kelompok pedagang mata uang jalanan yang tumbuh pesat, akan lama euro - atau yang sebenarnya, atau baht semudah beberapa klik mouse. Dengan boom mini, memilih salah satu dari layanan ini. Hampir sekeras peramalan pergerakan pasar mata uang Seperti kebanyakan pedagang mata uang individual, semua layanan ini relatif baru untuk permainan. Jadi, regulator saja, yang baru mulai bermain mengejar ketinggalan dengan pertumbuhan di layanan perdagangan khusus. Dan pilihannya berkembang dengan cepat Dalam enam minggu terakhir, Deutche Bank mengumumkan penjualan divisi perdagangan forex ritelnya, dan TradeStation meluncurkan anak perusahaan forex baru, kemudian sembilan hari kemudian mengumumkan akuisisi sendiri oleh broker Jepang. 2011 Broker Survey. Then ada semua poin perbandingan biasa yang diminati investor yang tertarik pada brokerage, dengan tweak khusus yang unik untuk forex Biaya jauh dari standar, dan biasanya kembali tertanam dalam spread variabel, tidak terbilang fixed-rate. Komisi Karena melacak kekuatan ekonomi yang bekerja di ratusan negara hampir tidak mungkin, analisis teknis dan grafik broker bisa menjadi sangat penting Dan dengan begitu banyak dari perkiraan 465.000 pedagang mata uang hanya berorientasi pada pasar, materi dan praktik pendidikan sebuah situs. Rekening penting juga. SmartMoney meninjau 16 broker yang menawarkan perdagangan mata uang dan menemukan kru beranak Lapangan ini masih didominasi oleh perusahaan hed swasta, yang tidak berkewajiban untuk melepaskan bahkan informasi paling dasar Dua perusahaan besar go public musim dingin ini, Dan pengarsipan mereka sudah mulai menjelaskan industri ini Perusahaan terkecil yang kami survei memiliki kurang dari 5.000 klien Terbesar lebih dari 139.000 Sebagian besar fokus secara eksklusif pada forex, walaupun beberapa perusahaan, termasuk broker diskon populer TD Ameritrade AMTD, menawarkan forex bersama dengan saham, obligasi dan aset lainnya. Demi kepentingan membersihkan gambar yang masih keruh, kami menghabiskan Puluhan jam meninjau materi iklan dan pengujian akun demo Kami membandingkan biaya perdagangan antar perusahaan, dan mengganggu layanan pelanggan dengan pertanyaan dasar dan canggih. Pada akhirnya, kami meminta pialang itu untuk menjawab temuan kami. Begini cara mereka menumpuk. Bahan. Sebagian besar investor baru dalam perdagangan mata uang - jumlah pedagang aktif telah meningkat tiga kali lipat dalam lima tahun terakhir dan sayangnya, tidak banyak keberuntungan pemula Sebagian besar pedagang forex melaporkan bahwa sekitar dua pertiga klien mereka kehilangan uang, dan Sementara mungkin ada banyak kemungkinan penjelasan termasuk kecepatan dan tanpa henti pasar dan risiko yang diperburuk oleh leverage, sebagian besar dealer menyoroti materi pendidikan mereka. Ials sebagai solusi yang mungkin. Sekarang, sebagian besar broker telah menciptakan materi pendidikan mereka sendiri, yang biasanya mencakup banyak hal untuk dibaca, ceramah, dan penjelasan video tentang layanan dan teknologi situs Beberapa juga menawarkan webinar interaktif, di mana pemirsa dapat mengajukan pertanyaan Secara real time Topiknya berkisar dari penjelasan dasar, misalnya, pasangan mata uang yang paling sering diperdagangkan, sampai yang benar-benar maju, seperti retracemen Fibonacci hanya satu dari puluhan strategi teknis yang digunakan trader forex. Tidak satu pun dari ini, tentu saja, adalah pantai Membaca, jadi pertanyaannya menjadi tidak meluas dari bahan yang paling broker menawarkan silabus penuh tapi betapa mudahnya memahami platform pemikir TD Ameritrade mendapat bintang emas di sini karena menyediakan materi intro-to-forex dari National Futures Association, Organisasi partai yang mengatur pialang berjangka Mereka jelas, akurat, dan kami menyukai penjelasan tentang risiko yang terkait dengan perdagangan mata uang sesuatu situs lain yang berhasil GAIN yang tersendat dengan singkat mendapat sambutan terhormat untuk beberapa video bersih dan sederhana serta bahan pengantar tulisan yang mencakup poin-poin penting yang tidak disebutkan perusahaan lain, seperti fakta bahwa tingkat suku bunga yang meningkat cenderung memperkuat nilai mata uang. Pecundang di babak ini adalah FXDD, dengan rangkaian bahan keras yang sulit diterjemahkan. Penjelasan tentang teori utama analisis teknikal, misalnya, tidak termasuk satu grafik. Juru bicara catatan perusahaan Bahwa mereka juga menawarkan webinar bahwa para pedagang dapat berpartisipasi dalam live atau bermain kembali nanti, dan juga situs terpisah, yang mencakup tutorial video dan update pasar TV FXDD. Juru bicara tersebut mengatakan bahwa mereka berusaha membuat konten itu lebih mudah ditemukan dan mereka berencana untuk Rencanakan jadwal pelatihan webinar tahun ini. Pelajaran forex-ke-forex sangat membantu, tapi ketika harus menghasilkan uang riil untuk bekerja, perangkat lunak menjadi sangat penting Pedagang valas cenderung sangat bergantung pada analisis teknis untuk menemukan Pola matematis dalam pergerakan harga real-time Itu berarti mereka memerlukan akses ke data historis ditambah harga real-time, dan beberapa opsi untuk analisis teknis. Bahkan di dalam broker, pedagang memiliki pilihan Hampir setiap perusahaan memiliki setidaknya satu paket perangkat lunak yang dapat diunduh yang disebut perdagangan Platform dan versi berbasis web yang memungkinkan investor untuk melakukan perdagangan dari komputer yang terhubung dengan internet banyak juga menawarkan platform pihak ketiga yang disebut MetaTrader 4, populer dengan pedagang aktif untuk alat analisis teknis Sepertiga klien GAIN menggunakan platform ini, dan Pada pesaing MB yang lebih kecil, jumlah itu meningkat menjadi 58 orang seperti ini, karena intuitifnya, ia memiliki semua alat yang Anda butuhkan, dan ini adalah kuantitas yang diketahui, kata Javier Paz, analis Grup Aite Dan jika Anda memindahkan akun Anda , Anda tidak perlu mempelajari perangkat lunak baru, katanya. MetaTrader tidak berbeda antara broker, jadi SmartMoney mencoba setiap platform perdagangan proprietary perusahaan menggunakan demo uang main atau akun praktek FX Platform CM menawarkan keseimbangan terbaik dari data yang kaya dan alat charting yang kuat dalam tata letak yang tidak terlalu berantakan Sekilas, dapat terasa sibuk Di sebelah kiri, tawaran dan harga permintaan beberapa pasang mata uang terus diperbarui di sebelah kanan, di sana. Adalah perkumpulan grafik Tapi mudah untuk menyesuaikan dan fokus pada satu atau dua pasang Beberapa fitur bagus setelah Anda membuat perdagangan, garis yang jelas muncul di bagan untuk menunjukkan tingkat di mana Anda membeli atau menjual, membuatnya mudah. Untuk melihat di mana harga bergerak dalam kaitannya dengan di mana Anda berharap mereka bergerak. Dan ringkasan keuntungan dan kerugian yang mudah dibaca ditampilkan dengan jelas namun tidak begitu flamboyan untuk memicu kecemasan. Untuk trader yang hanya berfokus pada forex, platform pemikir TD Ameritrade Adalah sedikit lebih rumit, karena menawarkan forex bersama saham, futures, dan opsi Ini akan membawa beberapa tweaker untuk trader yang fokus pada forex untuk menampilkan kedalaman informasi yang sama tentang beberapa pasangan mata uang sekaligus platform forex murni yang ditawarkan secara default. Adil, perdagangan mata uang bukan khusus untuk broker, dan perusahaan tidak berfokus pada menarik pedagang yang hanya memperdagangkan mata uang, kata Nicole Sherrod, managing director grup pedagang TD Ameritrade. Bukan sesuatu yang secara aktif mempromosikan kami, Sherrod mengatakan, Namun perusahaan tersebut menawarkannya untuk membuat campuran produknya seluas mungkin. Jika klien keluar dan bermain 18 lubang, mereka memerlukan set lengkap klub, Sherrod mengatakan. Semua investor tahu betapa pentingnya biaya Setiap sen yang Anda bayar adalah satu sen dolar Tidak bisa mendapatkan keuntungan Tapi broker forex membuatnya sangat sulit untuk mengetahui berapa banyak, tepatnya, biaya mereka Tidak seperti broker saham atau obligasi, kebanyakan pedagang forex tidak bertanggung jawab langsung komisi Mereka menghasilkan uang dari spread bid-ask atau perbedaan antara apa Pembeli ingin membayar dan apa yang penjual ingin dapatkan, diukur dalam pips, atau digit keempat setelah Pedagang desimal tidak pernah tahu berapa banyak spread tersebut didasarkan pada kekuatan pasar dan berapa yang disepakati oleh dealer? Tidak konsisten beberapa perusahaan melepaskan spread tipikal, yang lain menawarkan spread serendah dan semua dealer mencatat bahwa spread bisa dan memang berubah seiring perubahan kondisi pasar. Dengan semua pemikiran tersebut, memilih pemenang mutlak dan pecundang tidak mudah Dari dealer yang kami uji, Oanda maju dalam perlombaan ketat, melaporkan spread real-time saat kami memeriksa sekitar 1 pip untuk euro-dollar, pasangan yang paling banyak diperdagangkan, dan sekitar 1 7 pips untuk dolar dolar Australia-U S, yang kurang umum Pasangan berlengan Runner-up termasuk TradeStation FX, dengan spread rata-rata pada euro-dollar antara 1 dan 1 5 pips, dan MB Trading, dengan spread 0 7 pip yang sangat sempit ditambah komisi yang membawa biaya transaksi menjadi 1 49 pips FXCM mengatakan spread tipikal untuk euro-dollar adalah 2 3 pips, lebih dari dua kali lipat Oanda s Pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi, pada perdagangan 50.000 euro dolar, pelanggan akan membayar biaya tambahan sebesar 50 di 50 yang mungkin tidak terlalu banyak, Namun investor aktif bisa melakukan perdagangan beberapa kali sehari, dan bahkan kecil sekalipun Perbedaan bertambah, terutama ketika diperbesar 50 kali lipat oleh leverage FXCM mendapat harga dari beberapa bank, kemudian melewati spread terbaik yang tersedia dengan mark-up satu pip, kata Jaclyn Sales, juru bicara firma firma yang mengambil yang lain. Sisi perdagangan pelanggan mampu menawarkan spread yang lebih ketat karena potensi keuntungan ketika pelanggan kehilangan posisi, kata Sales. Spread terluas yang kami temukan mungkin merupakan kesepakatan terburuk Solusi FX menawarkan spread tetap untuk euro-dollar pada 3 pips Saat ini, itu s tinggi, tapi Joseph Trevisani, analis pasar utama perusahaan, mengatakan ada kalanya pelanggan akan keluar saat pasar sangat tidak stabil, pada saat itu ada risiko terbesar untuk kerugian dan kemungkinan terbesar. Untuk keuntungan, dia mengatakan tepat pada saat dimana seorang pedagang menginginkan spread yang stabil Jika Anda tidak melakukan perdagangan selama acara berita, tidak masuk akal untuk membayar premi itu, kata Aite Group's Paz, tapi jika Anda mencoba untuk mengeksekusi Selama masa volatile, saat itulah keuntungan Solusi FX masuk. Menentukan platform pemikir TD Ameritrade menawarkan pilihan perdagangan FX berbasis komisi dan juga model bebas komisi yang lebih umum dimana komisi dimasukkan dalam markup pada Spread Untuk pasangan mata uang euro, komisi tersebut adalah 1 per 10.000 unit Model bebas komersil mereka rata-rata spread 1 9 pip untuk pasangan. Pelanggan dapat beralih antara model dari perdagangan ke perdagangan, dan perusahaan mengatakan bahwa biaya perdagangan harus Menjadi serupa untuk kedua model. Layanan Pelanggan. Seperti yang diharapkan dengan bisnis berbasis web, hampir semua broker yang disurvei SmartMoney mendorong pelanggan untuk menggunakan obrolan online real-time dengan perwakilan layanan pelanggan, meskipun semua juga menawarkan alamat email dan nomor telepon untuk disebut sebagai Sebagai kelompok, mereka dengan cepat mengangkat telepon Waktu terpanjang yang dipegang SmartMoney adalah 4 menit di FXCM, walaupun perusahaan tersebut adalah salah satu yang tercepat untuk menjawab email. Secara umum, mereka Semua adalah cara paling tidak efektif untuk mendapatkan jawaban lima perusahaan membutuhkan waktu lebih dari 6 jam untuk mengembalikan email, dan hanya empat yang menjawabnya dalam waktu kurang dari satu jam. FG Best adalah yang menonjol dalam kategori ini, menanggapi pertanyaan melalui obrolan dan telepon dengan segera, dan Menanggapi pertanyaan email hanya dalam 21 menit dengan pesan pribadi dari perwakilan yang sama, kami berbicara dengan perwakilan FXCM sebelumnya menanggapi obrolan kami dalam waktu 3 menit dan dengan cepat menjawab pertanyaan kami, namun setelah menyelesaikan pertanyaan kami, perwakilan tersebut diminta untuk menindaklanjuti pertanyaan tersebut. Dengan panggilan telepon mencoba untuk berbicara dengan kami ke akun live, menjelaskan bahwa kami dapat mengakses lebih banyak materi pendidikan dan sinyal teknis jika kami memasukkan beberapa ratus dolar ke dalam akun, bahkan jika kami tidak melakukan perdagangan. Alpari menawarkan yang paling tidak memuaskan secara online. Pengalaman layanan pelanggan yang mengambil rincian akun demo kami melalui obrolan memakan waktu hampir 20 menit, dan perwakilan tersebut membiarkan kami duduk dalam keadaan diam diam sampai kami meminta laporan kemajuan. Perusahaan juga membutuhkan waktu hampir empat jam untuk menanggapi email, walaupun respons teleponnya cepat dan membantu Juru bicara Alpari mengakui bahwa pelanggan yang mengajukan pertanyaan melalui obrolan mungkin mengalami beberapa penundaan dan mengatakan bahwa email dijawab sesuai urutan penerimaannya. Cara tercepat Untuk mendapatkan bantuan, katanya, adalah melalui telepon. Untuk para pengadu TD Ameritrade Untuk pemula Gain Capital atau FXCM Untuk solusi FX veteran. Akan sangat menyenangkan jika satu perusahaan tunggal membedakan dirinya dan bahu di atas yang lain Tapi akhirnya, broker terbaik Situs bergantung pada pedagang seperti pada perusahaan Untuk saham aktif dan investor obligasi yang mungkin melakukan beberapa perdagangan mata uang dari waktu ke waktu, kami d merekomendasikan TD Ameritrade Perusahaan memenangkan tempat kedua dalam survei ekuitas-broker LINK kami, dan Harganya lebih seperti komisi saham langsung yang digunakan untuk membayar Untuk trader forex awal, materi pendidikan di GAIN Capital dan FXCM luar biasa, dan bo Perusahaan publik, fakta yang menambahkan lapisan pengawasan dan akuntabilitas yang ditawarkan oleh perusahaan lain. Bagi para pedagang berpengalaman yang berkembang dengan cepat di pasar mata uang dan tidak menginginkan apa pun selain terjun ke perairan berombak dolar euro Reaksi terhadap laporan non-farm payrolls AS, kami merasa bahwa spread FX Solutions tetap dapat memberikan nilai nyata. Rightright 2017 MarketWatch, Inc All rights reserved. Data intraday disediakan oleh ENAM Informasi Keuangan dan tunduk pada persyaratan penggunaan Historis dan terkini akhir - Hari data yang disediakan oleh ENAM Informasi Keuangan Data intraday tertunda per persyaratan pertukaran SP Dow Jones Indeks SM dari Dow Jones Company, Inc Semua kutipan ada dalam waktu pertukaran lokal Data penjualan terakhir real time yang diberikan oleh NASDAQ Informasi lebih lanjut tentang simbol NASDAQ yang diperdagangkan dan status keuangan mereka saat ini Data intraday tertunda 15 menit untuk Nasdaq, dan 20 menit untuk bursa lainnya SP Dow Jones Indices SM dari Dow Jones Company, Inc data intraday SEHK adalah prov Ided oleh ENAM Informasi Keuangan dan minimal 60 menit tertunda Semua penawaran ada di bursa lokal. Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan. Hari Perdagangan Nasional la mentalit per quanto riguarda tidak komersil di sukseso. Ho scambiato nel mio conto proprio per decenni, nel tentativo maggior Parte degli stili prima di ottenere i miei particolare mercato grano di scambio contratti a termine al giorno Esattamente quello che sembrava essenziale in quei primi giorni oggi guarda principalmente correlato Invece, interessante portale sulle opzioni binarie in realt ho concentro completamente su un paio di altamente efficaci concetti Di commercio Questo posting riassume la cosa pi importante per saya di questo momento. Il primo che il commerciante di giorno di realt meno di fronte sebuah minacce evento per un lungo periodo trader Ottengo dentro e fuori del settore di mercato al pi presto Sono sul mercato in Tutta periodi di scambio primaria, quindi le mie soste sono di genere riempite con o vicino al costo specifico Un Investitore permanente potrebbe trovare un evento imprevisto si attiva grandi si muove quando i principali mercati finanziari sono chiuse, valore di forzatura di gap modo al di l stop protettivi quando i mercati riaprono La riduzione del rischio di esperienza situazione mentre forex trading strumenti sfruttato un vantaggio chiave Di commercio di giorno, e bertengger penso che sia uno dei meno variet a rischio di compravendita di azioni quando fatto correttamente. Un altro motivo sono favorevole giorno. Un altro motivo sono favorevole giorno di negoziazione che io sono di grado di passare attraverso cadere mezzo pi Veloce Quasi tutte le strategie di investimento incontrano bassi disegnare ogni volta che saya konsesiari hanno un rinunciare incantesimo Quando uno standar attorare verso il basso per il sistema si estende su un periodo di tempo di 10 compravendite, insieme con la quantit media di ogni commercio in realt 2 settimane, si konfrontano ditarik ke bawah periodi di tempo di calcolo di 20 d Iverse settimane Ma quando sei un investitore giorno finitura 1 commercio ogni giorno, operare negoziazione sui mercati finanziari la normale draw down periodo di tempo semplicemente lo scambio di 10 giorni Quando realizzare un paio di affare al giorno, il particolare draw down periodo ancora pi piccolo E Raramente piacevole ritrovarmi disegnare verso il basso ed anche pi facile da seguire la vostra procedura se bassi disegnano sono generalmente brevi 20 settimane, o superiore, semua interno di una situazione di declino controlla il prendersi cura di un commerciante di tipico. Investire in borsa una frase Ampia. Investire in borsa una frase ampia, che copre numerose tendenze di commercio L unica cosa commercianti kuasi tutto il giorno del forex hanno in comune che sono generalmente fuori dei loro ruoli a seguito della sessione di compravendita di azioni chiave Semplicemente non lavori aperti sono generalmente Mantenute durante la notte, nei fine settimana, e anche durante le sessioni Digitali casualmente scambiati al di fuori dei principali momenti di investimento. L immagine convenzionale di un commerciante di giorno di realt di una persona bloccata al tampilkan durante l orario di lavoro lungo di mercato, eventualmente entrare in numerose compravendite nel corso di una giornata Questo vero per I molti commercianti, anche se ci sono altri stili Un esempio, semplicemente iniziare sebuah ongkos kirim il mio metodo abbastanza distinti. La questione pi significativa nel giorno di negoziazione investire pu essere negoziazione spese Il concessionario giorno normalmente richiede molto di pi gli investimenti di un investitore Sebuah lungo termine, quindi, competenza, investendo spese potrebbe andare fuori controllo, con un gran numero di investimenti, di tal modo limito saya di almeno un commercio su basis giornaliera. rivenditori giornata di lavoro con breve periodo. rivenditori giornata di lavoro con breve periodo Di tempi, di modo da reddito commercio minore Esattamente dove potreb Jadilah essere conveniente per un broker grado di indirizzare 100 Fattori di beneficio per beragam settimane, un investitore giorno pu realisticamente essere limitato da obiettivi di 5 10 elementi Se investire le spese per ogni affare sono generalmente fissato a, diciamo, 2 numeri, Elementi di finanziamento Di internet un individuo pu facilmente osservare il fatto che queste persone rappresentano solo il 2 nella durata delle entrate obiettivo, anche se pu essere il 20 40 nei guadagni obiettivo a breve termine Sebuah meno che una nicchia ha ampi movimenti per solo un rivenditore di indirizzare i Guadagni significativamente superiori ai costi di negoziazione di valuta, non appropriato per il hari trading Fortunatamente un sacco di questo tipo di mercati esiste Soia e di riso a termine sono esempi fantastici. Nozioni di base di negoziazione di valuta Crucial. Il mercato dei cambi ha grandi Prospettive di ogni investitore Nell ambito di questo trading di valuta estera di mercato, perdagangan Fx, il commer Cio di valuta o forex trading sono solo quattro titoli diversi, spesso dato per agire di investire necessario comprendere le sette basi moneta di scambio, se siete interessati ad investire nel mercato dei cambi.1 Qual la moneta di scambio. Acquisto e vendita di valute conosciuto Datang moneta di scambio L utile costituito da una variazione positiva dei prezzi tra karena keragaman coinvolte dalam un commercio La coppia forex L utile netto dell investimento quando trading le due valute coinvolte in un commercio Il dollaro americano la valuta pi comune coinvolto nel forex trading E Coinvolto nel 85 di tutti i mestieri. Un trader forex reagisce alle tendenze nel movimento di prezzo tra una valuta e un altro Egli controlla adeguatamente il mercato finanziario Se si acquista o si apre un commercio ad un prezzo basso e vende o chiude ad un prezzo superiore Poi realizzare un profitto Essere di grado di capire cosa sta succedendo nel mercato e corretto antisipasi il movinento verso l alto o ve Rso il basso dei prezzi delle valute ci che conta in questo mercato Variet di grafici, che mostra le tendenze storiche e modelli, sono uno dei tanti strumenti a disposizione per aiutare con l analisi del mercato Numerosi pacchetti software rendono questo processo di negoziazione molto pi facile .2 Il mercato del forex. Circa 4 trilioni di dollari scambiati ogni giorno da qui, il volume del mercato dei cambi massiccia Saya principali attori sono le societ di investimento finanziari e le banche internazionali ma il mercato ha aperto ai piccoli investitori privati che si affacciano Al mercato dalam massa, Ho pensato a questo soprattutto ora con le connessioni internet e ad alta velocit gli investitori accorti sono tenuti interessato a questo mercato lucrativo con la fluttuazione costante di prezzo tra le valute.3 Investasi Modal. Inizia per il commercio di valuta ha Solo bisogno di qualche centinaio di dollari tidak broker si aprir un conto per voi, ma di generale, non fanno pagare alcuna commis Sione dimuka o komisioner Fanno i loro soldi dalla difusi di acquisto e di vendita di valuta e di leva.4 Orari di negoziazione. Il mercato valutario effettivamente aperta 24 ore al giorno, 5 giorni alla settimana come il mercato valutario globale Alle 22 00 UTC di Domenica sera, valutare correttamente l offerta Sydney Australia il mercato valutario si apre e si chiude alle 22 00 UTC nel pomeriggio di Venerd a New York. Le aspettative di arricchirsi rapidamente rende molte persone entrare nel mercato forex e questo abbastanza sfortunato La gente ha bisogno di Sapere che forex trading un abilit che pu tornare buoni profitti se si entra con la mentalit giusta e sono disposti a imparare i vari trucchi e tecniche Non gioco d azzardo In questa forma di investimento, il profitto potenziale alto, quindi sono le perdite potenziali troppo, Proprio datang dalam qualsiasi altra forma di investimento Rendere pi guadagni che le perdite la cosa pi importante Questo il motivo si dovrebbe partir E di piccolo e poi imparare dagli errori Se si utilizza qualsiasi tipo di software di trading automatico allora garantire in ogni momento il commercio con uno stop loss, in quanto questo ti protegger dalle perdite colossali se il mercato dovrebbe girare inaspettatamente contro di voi.6 Sistemi E Strategia. Sviluppare un sistema redditizio con una strategia chiara e semper tenere a mente che i peggiori nemici sono l avidit e la paura La comprensione dei mercati attraverso lo studio delle carte e ottenere un tatto per i molti fattori che influenza il movimento dei prezzi fondamentale Melanjutkan sebuah provare e, soprattutto, essere incrollabile. Il vostro investimento sotto il vostro controllo Tidak dipendono dalla prestazioni di terzi, diversamente dalla maggior parte di altre forme di investimento come le azioni e le scorte Sei di una posizione forte per approfittare delle tendenze positif dalam Movimenti di prezzo di valuta, Attivit di tradens cos a lungo datang si impara le basi di negoziazione Di valuta e imparare sebuah riconoscere gli eventi mondiali che influenzano saya prezzi delle valute. Le opzioni binarie Quello che dovete sapere A TALE CAUTIONERY. Circa 18 mesi fa, dopo aver ricevuto numerose e-mail che reclamizzano opzioni binarie ho deciso di provarli come la maggior Parte persone che avevo cercato qualcosa per integrare il mio reddito qualcosa ho pensato di avere un certo controllo su e potrebbe ongkos da casa. In termini semplici opzioni binarie sono fondamentalmente un mezzo per determinare se una moneta, lo stock o indici andr su o gi entro Un certo periodo di tempo, Gli investimenti da parte degli oggetti e di trading sul tuo decisione se andr verso l alto o verso il basso. Tutti i siti offrono grafici che mostrano la storia. Tutti i siti offrono grafici che mostrano la storia di quel particolare Commerc 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Ho scelto karena mediatori che hanno avuto le opzioni di 1 datang volevo mengakuisisi familiarit con l intero processo prima di iniziare con i commerci immediati a 25 pi. Di solito l investimento minimo di 250 US Molti dei siti offrono bonus corrispondenti sul vostro investimento iniziale, orari Di negoziazione definiti ma attenzione ci sono molto forti norme di materia di quanto needario per il commercio al baik di incassa mai il bonus. Una volta che ti iscrivi il Broker assegna un commerciante. Una volta che ti iscrivi il Broker assegna un commerciante a voi Questo Otten za za za za za za za za za Di un gruppo di negoziazione VIP insistendo sul fatto che non si pu aiutare senza fondi suffi per farti entrare in un buon gruppo di negoziazion E di cui gli analisti esperti determinare la migliore compravendite. Sono estremamente persistenti anche quando ha detto non ci sono fondi aggiuntivi Essi suggeriscono che corrono la carta di credito con la scusa che non importa se i fondi sono approvati o no in quanto saranno abbinare con un Bonus se si consente loro di provare Dicono che tenteranno fino a 10 000, sapendo che tale importo non poteva essere approvato Ho indicato che non sarebbe passare attraverso e ho messo in chiaro che non dovrebbero essere cercando eventuali importi inferiori Hanno detto che andava bene come lo Scopo era quello di provare di modo da poter dimostrare ai loro capi che era stato provato e hanno potuto poi dare il bonus e si entra in un gruppo migliore di trading Tuttavia, prodotti finanziari in prova questo esattamente quello che fanno, cominciano con 10 000 poi Berlanjutlah untuk memberi kesempatan kepada anak-anak dan orang-orang yang terlibat dalam sebuah acara final untuk menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang ada di negaranya. Credito pu sopportare. Nella mia esperienza non sembra importa quanto i fondi che gi avete nel vostro conto, ane con le vostre vittorie, hanno un motivo per cui si dovrebbe aggiungere pi fondi per arrivare in migliori gruppi commerciali o garanzie di fondi e sono persistenti Cercheranno Questa tattica ogni volta che si collega con il vostro commerciante. Quando lo fanno dare un mestiere danno un lasso di tempo e la quantit suggeriscono di investire Tuttavia, non un importo suggerito Quando ho fatto alcuni mestieri con importi inferiori Ho ricevuto lezioni sulla fiducia, e Le indicazioni che essi non potevano pi lavorare con me, se non li ascoltavo e ha preso il consiglio dei loro esperti analisti e messo i mestieri come suggerito. Ogni operatore assegnato a me. Ogni operatore assegnato a me, ha usato le esatte stessa tattica e Quando ho fatto notare, hanno insistito sul fatto che non erano datang gli altri e ciascuno di loro ha indicato che erano interessati solo ad aiutare a riuscire Ba Loney, erano solo interessati a riempirsi le tasche e, ovviamente, l esercizio di un attivit persone di ulteriori fondi svolge un ruolo di essa. La mia esperienza stata la stessa cosa con entrambi i broker e con tutti i commercianti assegnati a me credo che abbiano Una svolta enorme oltre a commercianti come hanno tenuto a scomparsa Il bullismo l unica parola per quello che mi stato fatto passare. Una volta che i fondi sono esauriti quindi a meno che non si pronti per aggiungere pi fondi non hanno alcun interesse a lavorare con voi Con le piccole quantit che hai lasciato nel tuo akun Per essere onesti Mestieri suggerite erano per i principali perdenti parte, e in realt ho fatto circa lo stesso con le mie scelte. Fare Trading intelligente Con YoutradeFX account. Se siete alla ricerca di qualche investimento serio Perch avete limitato denaro duramente guadagnato e, pertanto, si desidera che questo denaro da investire in modo sicuro poi il posto giusto Si tratta di una societ di broke Raggio online che tenere la mano e aiutare a moltiplicare i soldi guadagnati your0020hard offrendovi pacchetti lucrativo Sono passati karena anni solo l azienda ha iniziato, ora fare profitto ma i progressi che questa societ ha fatto questi lavoratori sono esposti a vari tipi di corsi di formazione e Di quelle che svolgono bassa non vengono scoperti dalla societ. Molte persone si sono uniti dopo aver letto le recensioni YoutradeFX perch il tipo di successo che un individuo ha dopo aver investito soldi qui eccezionale Nessun intermediario mai in tutto il mondo il giudizio preciso come mediatori di Questa societ hanno. L altro motivo per cui i clienti sono cos felice di essere associato. L altro motivo per cui i clienti sono cos felice di essere associato a questa societ di brokeraggio on-line bertengger saya mediatori di questa azienda considerano saya soldi del cliente Come il loro duro soldi guadagnati e quindi rendono la responsabilit di investire nel modo pi efficiente di modo da avere i massimi Benefici Pertanto tag line della societ afferma che il guadagno di un cliente il loro obiettivo. In un momento in uno staff di oltre 100 dipendenti lavorano insieme per gestations i clienti, fondi d uso rispondendo alle loro domande e suggerendo loro le punte di investimento giusto Questi Dipendenti sono selezionati dopo aver condotto una rigorosa intervista che continuato fino a giorni in modo che la persona migliore viene selezionato per servire i clienti Un sacco di soldi viene speso per la loro formazione, Si tratta di una societ di brokeraggio online che tenere la mano e Aiutare sebuah moltiplicare i soldi guadagnati your0020hardhard offrendovi pacchetti lucrativo che ancora una volta seguita da una prova Dopo aver superato il test la persona dato la sua lettera di offerta di proseguire con il lavoro E non finisce qui Inoltre questi lavoratori sono esposti a vari tipi di corsi Di formazione e di quelle che svolgono bassa non vengono scoperti dalla societ. Al baik di evitare eventuali ritar Di nel processo. Al baik di evitare eventuali ritardi nel proseso di un help desk parte presente di modo che il cliente pu chiamare ed elaborare la sua richiesta commercio La cosa migliore di questo help desk che non mai occupato Ci sono pi telefoni fissi presenti e Il database EDA che accorcia il processo di raggiungere il call center di chiamata e si occupa anche delle gocce di chiamata bonus diraih di questa piattaforma A causa della base di dati avanzati presenti i seguenti sono i vantaggi che altri broker non hanno. Sicurezza Poich si tratta di soldi quindi tutte le operazioni vengono effettuate lapisan soket tramite sicuro SSL il cui certificato viene aggiornato periodicamente Inoltre un controllo rigoroso fatta in modo da mantenere i dati cliente sicura. Virus Attack Dal momento che altri broker hanno un database comune, pertanto le probabilit di avere attacchi di virus sono pi rispetto al EDA Fino a oggi non c stata segnalata l attacco del virus in questo tipo di database. Articoli recenti. 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Investor harus mempertimbangkan tujuan investasi , Risiko, dan biaya dan biaya reksa dana atau ETF dengan hati-hati sebelum melakukan investasi. Reksa dana adalah prospektus ETF yang berisi hal ini dan inf Ormasi dan dapat diperoleh dengan mengirim email. TradeKing memilih dan mendefinisikan sebagai komentator pasar independen All-Stars yang memiliki kepribadian industri dan pedagang berpengalaman yang berpengalaman dan yang memberikan komentar pasar tepat waktu melalui blog All-Star TradeKing di setiap komentator All-Star, Kualifikasi dan pengungkapan terkait dengan hubungannya dengan TradeKing dapat ditemukan di daftar blog All-Star, tersedia pada pemilihan komentator All-Stars semata-mata didasarkan pada kualitas dan gaya konten yang disediakan TradeKing tidak mengukur, mendukung, atau Memantau kinerja atau kebenaran pernyataan atau rekomendasi yang dibuat oleh komentator All-Stars independen mengenai dokumentasi Pendukung untuk klaim yang dibuat dalam posting ini akan diberikan atas permintaan pengarang pos, yang bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap pandangan yang diungkapkan di dalamnya. Pesan pribadi ke All-Stars menggunakan link di bawah gambar profil. Beberapa strategi pilihan kaki melibatkan risiko tambahan Dan dapat menghasilkan perawatan pajak yang rumit Silakan berkonsultasi dengan profesional pajak sebelum menerapkan strategi ini. Penggunaan Jaringan Perdagangan Dagang Trader Anda dikondisikan untuk menerima semua Pengungkapan TradeKing dan persyaratan Layanan Trader Trader Testimonial mungkin tidak mewakili Pengalaman klien lain dan tidak menunjukkan kinerja atau kesuksesan di masa depan Tidak ada pertimbangan yang dibayarkan untuk testimonial yang ditampilkan. Pos pesta kedua tidak mencerminkan pandangan TradeKing dan belum ditinjau oleh, disetujui, atau didukung oleh TradeKing. Perdagangan valuta asing Forex Ditawarkan kepada investor mandiri melalui TradeKing Forex TradeKing Forex, LLC dan TradeKing Securities, LLC terpisah, namun perusahaan afiliasi Akun Forex tidak dilindungi oleh Securities Investor Protection Corp SIPC. Forex trading melibatkan risiko kerugian yang signifikan dan tidak sesuai untuk Semua investor Meningkatkan leverage meningkatkan resiko Sebelum memutuskan untuk trading forex, anda Hati-hati mempertimbangkan tujuan keuangan, tingkat pengalaman investasi, dan kemampuan untuk mengambil risiko keuangan Setiap opini, berita, penelitian, analisis, harga atau informasi lain yang terkandung tidak merupakan saran investasi Baca pengungkapan penuh Harap dicatat bahwa kontrak spot emas dan perak adalah Tidak tunduk pada peraturan berdasarkan US Commodity Exchange Act. TradeKing Forex, LLC bertindak sebagai perantara untuk memperkenalkan GAIN Capital Group, LLC GAIN Capital Akun forex Anda diadakan dan dipelihara di GAIN Capital yang berfungsi sebagai agen kliring dan counterparty untuk perdagangan Anda GAIN Modal terdaftar dengan Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC dan merupakan anggota National Futures Association NFA ID 0339826 TradeKing Forex, LLC adalah anggota National Futures Association ID 0408077.Untuk daftar lengkap pengungkapan yang terkait dengan konten online, silakan kunjungi To.2017 TradeKing Group, Inc All rights reserved TradeKing Group, Inc adalah anak perusahaan yang sepenuhnya dimiliki oleh Ally Financial Inc Securities offered through TradeKing Securities, LLC, member FINRA and SIPC Forex offered through TradeKing Forex, LLC, member NFA. After a great holiday weekend, I hope that everybody is enjoying the recurring challenge of finding new ways to creatively eat turkey leftovers For today s Outside the Box, we turn our attention towards an interesting piece by Bill Gross on the changing investment landscape over the next decade In his article Alpha Beta Anemia, Bill discusses his outlook for several asset classes and explains their implications on risk premiums in the marketplace. Bill is a Managing Director at PIMCO where he has become regarded as the most prominent figure in the fixed income sector He serves at the helm of the largest bond fund in the world, the PIMCO Total Return Fund In the 90 s he penned 2 books on investing Everything You ve Heard About Investing Is Wrong and Bill Gross on Investing. May you have a pleasant week and find this reading to be valuable to your financial education. John Mauldin, Editor. Alpha Beta Anemia Investment Outlook By Bill Gross. Some of you may recall that I have collected stamps for the past 15 years or so, which is neither here nor there, I suppose Actually it s probably more there than here for almost all of you, especially if your enthusiasm for the hobby mimics that of my wife Sue Although she takes an active interest in everything I do, there is frequently an occasion when I ll bring home a new stamp to add to the collection and carefully display it on the kitchen table for her to admire After a smile and a wifely attaboy she ll point to the stamp, then point to her wedding ring and say, Now let s see, which one would I rather have, that little ol piece of paper or this little ol shiny white diamond That pretty well puts my stamp in its proper place I suppose, stuck in a dusty album far out of sight, while her diamond gets to parade around in the California sunshine. Still, I m glad I pursued philately if only because the i nvestment logic I applied to my collecting has its parallels at PIMCO In the early 90s, I figured that if stamps collectibles were a valid asset class, then their annualized rate of appreciation or total return should be somewhat similar to more legitimate holdings such as stocks, bonds, or real estate Admittedly there was an element of hope in that assumption Beanie Babies and Cabbage Patch Dolls were hot collectibles long ago, but I don t expect the Ibbotson-Sinquefield yearbook to be outlining their annualized returns anytime soon But if there is staying power longevity to collecting stamps, coins, and art then their returns should mimic other asset categories if only because they are all correlated to the same thing - the growth rate of nominal GDP While the use of financial leverage and the vagaries of investor behavior undoubtedly distort a perfect one-for-one correlation, there should be little doubt, even among academics that since nominal GDP growth is a reflection of the grow th rate in domestic production wealth creation purchasing power - all of which is expressed in annual dollar terms - that the appreciation of assets which for the most part represent the present value of that future growth should closely resemble the path of nominal GDP over long periods of time The logic of the Capital Asset Pricing Model confirms just that point Chart 1 points out this relationship although the three primary asset categories displayed have grown slightly faster than GDP 1 4 if only because of the use of financial operating leverage, their historical ability to lever be levered at yields less than their rates of growth, and importantly the past 25 years of disinflation, which has boosted the return of assets relative to expectations and assumptions of GDP growth going forward We may actually be entering a period during the end of disinflation, where asset appreciation actually equals the long-term growth rate of nominal GDP or even less as in the 1970s. Wow, that s a p late full and I hope you re still with me - stamps or no stamps My point in bringing this up is to point out that if the Beta or return from various asset classes is correlated to the growth rate of nominal GDP, then what we have to look forward to is a rather anemic Beta in future years In turn, if because of that increasing realization, investors have responded by compressing risk spreads and therefore potential Alpha, then what s looming over the immediate horizon is an Alpha Beta anemia that can t come close to meeting investor expectations or for that matter come close to immunizing this nation s collective liabilities. Chart 2 outlines this spectre of future returns to come As nominal GDP growth rates have declined from 11 to a recent 5-year average of less than 5 , future asset returns of a similar magnitude are foretold While Chart 1 suggests that a 5 GDP growth rate can be levered up to perhaps 6 or 7 , that levering is certainly more difficult with a Fed Funds policy rate high er than the current growth rate of GDP and with disinflation near its end In any case, we appear to be looking at maximum 6-7 average annual returns over the immediate future from stocks, bonds, and real estate in total stamps too. Since even that 6-7 is likely not enough to collectively pay for future liabilities, whether they represent college, healthcare, or debt obligations, investors have been clamoring for something that returns more You take 6 or 7, they ll say, I need 9-10 like the old days I ll allocate savings or redistribute assets to hedge funds, spec houses, or other risk-oriented levered products to beat the market I ll take the high return road, you can have the low road with those stodgy old bonds and index-oriented products And so the anticipated future Beta anemia leads in turn to a willingness to assume more risk, to drive the prices of risk assets higher - and risk premiums lower - and at some point like now to produce an Alpha anemia as well A recent study by the Ba nk for International Settlements points out that the annualized volatilities for stock, bond, and currency markets are approaching historic lows, with the implicit assumption that the pricing of risk is following in lock step Chart 3 shown below is but one of many examples that the BIS uses to make their point And while the compressed pricing of risk may in isolation be more a forewarning of future Beta anemia than that of Alpha, there s no doubt that the chances for successful Alpha farming are enhanced with wider risk spreads - whatever the asset class. To be fair, the BIS also points out that there may be numerous fundamental reasons that justify lower risk spreads Globalization, the great moderation of economic growth in recent decades, increased central bank transparency, and the innovation and promulgation of financial derivatives, which can disperse and spread risk as well as promote increased liquidity are but a few of their major arguments I concur with much of their logic But I also agree with Alan Greenspan and economist Hyman Minsky that stability can in time be inherently destabilizing as overconfidence leads to lower and lower risk spreads, more and more financial leverage Ponzi finance as Minsky called it and an ultimate vulnerability to the economy and its financial markets on the downside The BIS points out that financial institutions in recent years may have ultimately increased their overall risk exposure despite the reduction in asset volatility. The choice for investors then, and importantly for PIMCO as well, is how to participate in this brave new world of Alpha Beta anemia jump into the pool of one to two foot deep risk spreads or wait for the higher water that we ve been used to If the BIS fundamentals are correct there shouldn t be any broken legs despite the shallow aqua However, if stability does lead to Minsky s instability, there could be some sorry investors and sorry investment management firms that decided to lever up at just the wrong time Playing by the old active management rules in an Alpha Beta anemic world that doesn t destabilize will likely lead to an erosion of PIMCO s attempt to achieve 100 annual basis points of Alpha in future years Playing by the new rules which in part require an assumption of levered risk spreads at historic lows could likely lead to low absolute returns and or negative Alpha should instability return Your asset returns - and active portfolio management itself - are now both at risk in this seemingly riskless and increasingly anemic investment return environment. What to do As noted above, I and we at PIMCO accept many of the realities fundamentals of this new world low nominal GDP growth Financial innovation, central bank transparency, and even globalization s great moderation of economic volatility are powerful arguments suggesting the old days of copious Alpha and Beta are over because 5 GDP growth and compressed risk spreads are not likely to permanently return to historic levels Y et we have a collective sense that risk spreads will not remain so low over the next 12-24 months, and that instability - whether it be sparked by U S housing, global overinvestment, or geopolitical events - will one day temporarily resurface If both major assumptions have merit, then the strategic and structural case for now should be guided by the New Age acceptance of change and the Old Age wisdom that bad things can happen to apparently good assets in the short term. Such New Age acceptance, it would seem to me would be embodied in the willingness to utilize more concentrated strategic bets that lead to increased daily and annual volatility compared to historic indices Closet indexers will not prosper in this new world If chosen properly in historic PIMCO fashion, the increased volatility should translate into higher Alpha and higher returns than would otherwise be the case If that were true, PIMCO clients would get more return and come a little bit closer to those higher single dig it numbers that supposedly only hedge funds and private equity can produce And they would get it, by the way, with fees at a fraction of the alternative Does this mean that PIMCO wants to turn itself into a hedge fund on the cheap Hardly But it does mean we should be willing to scale up our most confident strategies in a way that could lead to additional Alpha for you the client at the temporary expense of increased volatility. Old Age wisdom would caution that some New Age risk spreads are hardly justified by common sense and that if an investor PIMCO is to increase the scale of its strategies, they should be focused in the few categories which offer the most attractive reward relative to subjectively and quantifiably identified risk All of you, I m sure are familiar with the advantages of Markowitz-style portfolio diversification In a world of Alpha anemia, however, a diversified portfolio of overvalued assets may expose an investor to not only anemic Alpha, but also significantly low ered BETA if stability ever leads to instability in a systemic way A New Age PIMCO therefore that is cognizant of compressed risk spreads should be willing to do less index hugging because index risk spreads are overvalued The scaled up strategies we do endorse, however, must fit in the area common to both New and Old Age intersecting circles as shown in Chart 4.These strategies will make sense if we remain in the New Age of compressed spreads or if we temporarily return to expanded spreads during instability In brief, the favored concentrations reflect positions in high quality front-end yield curves as well as duration extension, especially during periods of market weakness such as we have experienced in October If New Age spreads persist, front-end high quality positions and duration extension will benefit due to their relatively high structural risk premiums If Old Age instability takes hold, these same positions benefit even more as the Fed lowers the overnight rate to much lower levels. If the appreciation of stamps, diamond rings, stocks, bonds, and real estate is at risk of falling below expectations in an Alpha Beta anemic world, then investors will seek ways to maximize returns in order to compensate An intelligent investor, it seems to me, will recognize this reality while at the same time understanding the risk that accompanies such a transition PIMCO hopes to intelligently navigate its way through these seemingly becalmed rapids in future months and years, and remain THE Authority on Bonds. John Mauldin, Best-Selling author and recognized financial expert, is also editor of the free Thoughts From the Frontline that goes to over 1 million readers each week For more information on John or his FREE weekly economic letter go to. Last edited by John Mauldin 11-27-2006 at 10 08 PM. Hello all happy Sunday to you For those of you staying on top of the forex markets recently you will know that most of the Jpy forex pairs have been trending long very nicely Below is a video recorded today Sunday December 4, 2016 with a brief analysis of how I personally traded the EurJpy over the past two weeks or so. Hopefully this video will give you some good ideas if you are interested in trend trading, especially using the higher time frame charts such as the four hour or daily. I hope you enjoy the video and if you do please feel free to comment, share and like. Hello all I am sure what is on your mind this week is obviously the U S presidential election and how to possibly take advantage of the i ncreased volatility in your forex trading. A very quick post today regarding my thoughts Quite simply we are not in the business of predicting what the markets will do or at least we shouldn t be Trying to guess an outcome of the election and in turn trying to predict how the market will react to that outcome is gambling plan and simple. Personally I like to trade from the higher time frame charts and I am just going to keep an eye on how price reacts to the election and carry on with my trading plan as usual. Plan your trade, trade your plan If your system provides you with a signal based on your trading plan as a result of the volatility created by the election, great. Well as promised a very short one today Good luck this week and if you enjoyed the post please like, share, and comment. Hello all, happy Halloween I thought I would change things up this week and take a stab at my first video post It is a fairly lengthy video but I think some of the ideas here could be very helpful. Recentl y I have been adopting some of the techniques used by Forex Trader Nikos Mermigas of Spartan Trader FX Check out Spartan Trading here. I really enjoy Nikos approach of doing a top down analysis starting with the Monthly or Weekly charts, and then moving down to the daily or 4 hour charts to spot high quality entry signals His approach also allows catching those trends that can run for many months and move thousands of pips Check out Spartan Trading Here. I hope you enjoy the video and if so please like, share and comment. Hello all fellow forex traders I hope you are having a wonderful and restful weekend I am sitting in my office this afternoon watching the beautiful sight of the last few remaining leaves on the trees fluttering in the wind and falling to the ground, wondering at the same time where the summer went. While I am marvelling at the beauty outside my window I am also analyzing my charts, highlighting any potential upcoming trading opportunities, and planning my week I thought I would share my thoughts on Gbpusd and EurGbp for what it is worth. I like to use a top down analysis so lets start with GbpUsd on the Weekly Chart. You will see that I have several moving averages on my chart and I also use heiken ashi candles versus regular candles To be clear I do not really use these moving averages to make my trading decisions but they are a useful tool in determining a trending versus a ranging market I have been following the work of Greek forex trader Nikos Mermigas lately and I really like the way he does his top down approach and uses these moving averages to offer some guidance but not to make his actual trading decisions I would highly recommend that you do a search on YouTube for Nikos Mermigas s videos, they are fantastic. The brown line is a 633 ema, the white line is a 200 ema, the blue is a 36 ema, and the blue is a 12 ema The brown and white ema indicators are simply on the chart because they do tend to act as dynamic support and resistance when viewed on the weekly or daily chart These longer terms emas can be useful if price is in a trend and retracing to a known support or resistance level and at the same time butting up against one of these strong dynamic support or resistance levels This type of confluence in the market can lead to a very high probability trade set up. The red ema is basically the trend ema and if showing a nice downward or upward slope it is a great quick visual marker that price is trending and not ranging Drawing the trend-lines is still key however. The blue ema is what Mr Mermigas refers to as the volatility line and is useful to determine the strength of the trend If there is quite a bit of space between price and the volatility line as price flows to and fro in the direction of the trend it is an indication of a strong trend In a strong trend price will often continually bounce off of the volatility line. The heiken ashi are really great for visually cutting out some of the noise and showing the observer whe n there is a legitimate change in market sentiment from long to short or vice versa. Now lets get to the analysis Looking at the weekly GbpUsd anyone can tell we are in a strong down trend and have been for many weeks Drawing your support and resistance lines in yellow on my chart on the weekly chart is also a great thing to do because those areas will be of great significance. Moving down to the Daily chart will most of the actual trade decision will be made from. Currently you can see price is in a bit of a consolidation and is actually retracing higher back up toward the volatility blue and trend red lines Really what we would like to see is a move back up to at least the blue volatility line Even better yet a retrace back to the red trend line If such a retrace also happens to coincide with a known resistance level this can be a very powerful location for a high probability trade set up Once we have a red closed daily heiken ashi candle after a nice retrace we may want to consider a t rade in the direction of the downward trend. Now in such a strong trend price might not retrace all the way to the red trend line, and it might not even retrace to the blue volatility line before making another large move down This is a much more aggressive trading plan which carries more risk but you can also look to the lower 4hour time frame for potential entries in a strong trend and use what is known as a 1-2-3 entry method. Again I have to stress this is a much more risky trade plan then basing your trading decisions from the Daily Chart because there is greater chance that you will be getting into the trade in the direction of the overall trend but at the beginning of a larger retrace However, using the H4 chart does offer more potential opportunities to get into the overall trend move. I have avoided drawing too many lines to keep the chart as clean as possible but essentially what the 1-2-3 entry method entails is watching for a retrace on the chart and taking a trade on the brea k of the retrace trend-line aqua line You would want to wait for a forceful break with a great deal of volatility and this is usually going to occur during the London session, U S session or London-US crossover session. You can also use the 1-2-3 entry technique from the daily chart after the nice large retrace discussed above. You will typically want to place your stop above the last swing high or swing low with at least a 10 15 pip buffer above or below the swing high or swing low. Well I hope that this post has been somewhat helpful, and if so please comment, like and share Again be sure to check out Nikos Mermigas on YouTube as his material is great and has been very helpful for me. Again, as always this post is not to be taking as trading advice of any kind and is for informational purposes only. Hello all, I hope that 2016 is treating you well so far My wife and I were blessed with the birth of our daughter last May and she has been keeping us very busy So busy in fact I have not had a chance to write anything on my blog in quite a long time It is a bit of a lazy Sunday afternoon in our home today so I have seized the moment. I have really been giving a lot of thought lately to why so many forex traders are unsuccessful over the long term, and what is the key thing that separates a long term consistent trader from those that crash and burn and blow up their account in less than a year. Having been involved with forex in some degree or another since about 2005, I can say from experience that for a very long time I was very focused on finding that holy grail strategy If I could only find that perfect trading system that gives me laser accurate entry signals I would be successful I would think And so I would go jumping from one trading system to another on the forex system treadmill Does this sound familiar to some of you. Perhaps there are a lucky few who skip this initial search for the holy grail system phase in their trading journey but I have a feeling this is a ver y very common phenomenon Eventually after getting tired of being on this forex system treadmill , and after much self reflection I eventually came to the conclusion that a trader s system which tells them when to enter and exit a particular trade is actually a very small part of what makes a trader successful over the long term We spend so much time focusing on this, and marketers are so successful selling us trading systems but what most of us actually fail to realize is that having a sound trading system is only a good start. Do You Have a Trading Plan. In previous posts I have already spoken about trade management, which in my humble opinion is probably more important then the decision of when to enter the trade, and yet so few trading systems sold to us even deal with trade management Before entering a trade you should be able to answer the following questions. Why am I entering this trade why do I feel I have an edge here. Where am I going to set my stop loss to get out of the trade i f I am wrong. How much risk am I going to take on this trade and thus what lot size am I going to take on this trade. If the trade goes in my direction am I going to move my stop loss to break even, or move it higher than that to lock in some profit. At what point am I going to move to break even or lock in profit. Where am I going to bank my profit and get out of this trade. If you start thinking about all of these questions after you have already entered the trade its too late You are no longer going to be objective about your trading decisions at that point This is not to say that you should never alter your trading plan once the trade is open if something unexpected occurs, but I believe that we so influenced by our emotions once a trade is open and we have money on the line that these decision have to be made prior to entering a trade Plan your trade and trade your plan. Are You Taking on Too Much Risk. In addition our failure to truly follow a trading plan, we as forex traders tend to u se way way too much leverage and take on way too much risk It wasn t that long ago that I personally believed I was being conservative by only risking 2 3 of my trading capital per trade Not only would I risk 2 3 per trade but I would sometimes take multiple positions at the same time on currency pairs that were highly correlated For example GBPUSD and GPBJPY In effect I wasn t actually risking 2 -3 of my trading capital but more like 6 9 if I had 2 or 3 positions open This is a recipe for disaster. Only you can really ascertain what amount or risk is right for you, taking into consideration your trading style, your risk appetite and your trading objectives However, I believe large draw downs are probably the number one reason traders assume their trading system is no good and abandon it prematurely and move on searching for the next holy grail When in fact their trading system was fine, they were just taking on way too much risk per trade Psychologically it is so difficult to sit throu gh a period of large draw down. Every trading system loses period In fact it is possible for your trading system to suffer, 5, 10, 15 or more consecutive loses before turning around Will you be able to stomach a draw down of 30 , 40 , or 50 or more while maintaining the confidence that your trading system is solid long term and will bounce back Much easier said then done. The good news there a way to drastically reduce the draw down your trading system suffers and reduce the likely hood that you will blow your account or abandon an otherwise solid trading system Reduce your risk Personally I have come to the decision that I am not willing to go through any more than a draw down of 25 on my account Any more than this is outside of my comfort zone How am I going to prevent a draw down of any more than 25 Well, there are never any guarantees but I believe that if I use an absolute maximum risk of 1 of my trading account per trade and do not take multiple positions simultaneously on highly c orrelated pairs this should give me a very good shot at preventing a large draw down. Trading is a long game affair Slow and sure The best hedge funds in the world average between 10 20 gain per year If you can maintain growth of 20 per year the law of compounding will take care of the rest and you will be among the ranks of some of the best traders in the world Resist the temptation to double your trading account every month as this will only lead to a blown trading account and leave you searching for the next holy grail. I hope you have found this post informative, and if so feel free to comment, share and like. Hello all First off my apologies for the long hiatus since my last post I do have a valid excuse however as my wife and I were blessed with the birth of our daughter a few months ago and it has definitely been keeping us busy. I wanted to spend some time today writing about a great new trading course trading group that I was fortunate enough to join last month, which I believe ha s really helped my trading thus far It is called Inventory Trading and was developed by Mr Shonn Campbell. Mr Campbell takes a very fresh and unique prospective on his forex trading In a nutshell Mr Campbell approaches his forex trading business as any retail inventory manager would deal with their physical inventory For example just like physical inventory in the retail business, in forex you are avoiding, at all costs, taking on inventory that you cannot unload later at a better price Also just as a retail inventory manager you are always looking to pick up more inventory when it is on sale. I personally found this perspective on forex trading very intriguing and it has really helped me look at my forex trading in a different light Without giving too much more away I also love the inventory trading course because it focuses on trading with the trends, primarily using the 4 hour charts This type of trading definitely matches my personal preferences. Mr Campbell s Inventory trading course includes hours of instructional video content with real chart examples and is very reasonably priced at a one time cost of 27 I have included the link below to provide some more information on the Inventory trading course. I would like to stress that this is not an affiliate link and I have no financial incentive for promoting this course I truly believe that the Inventory Trading Course will help many of you take your trading to the next level and as such I just wanted to share this with you. Prior to offering the Forex Inventory Trading course online Shonn Campbell authored the ebook Inventory Trading How I run My Trading Account Like a Retail Inventory Manager As a special gift to you and to give you a bit of a taste of what the Inventory Trading Course has to offer, Mr Campbell was kind enough to allow me to provide to you his ebook free of charge which can be downloaded by clicking the link below. Again I would definitely encourage you to check out Shonn Campbell s Forex Inventory T rading Course as there it offers tremendous value for the 27 he is charging. Well I hope you have enjoyed this post and if you have I would kindly ask that you comment, like and share Until next time I hope you have some profitable forex trades. First of all I would like to wish you all a happy and healthy new year, and I hope that 2015 is also a profitable trading year for you all. Several months back I provided a review of a forex trading tool that I have become quite fond of and continue to use very regularly known as Andrew s Forex System As explained in part I of my Andrew s Forex review click here to view Part I this system is a very simple tool which helps one determine which forex pairs are currently trending, and allows one to enter a trade at a sweet spot in the direction of the trend. Andrew s Forex System is designed to be traded from the 4 hour charts, which by the way is my personal favorite time frame to trade, so the system was a great fit for me I have to say that the more experience I gain trading forex and the more I work on developing my skills the more I truly believe that trading with the trend is the way to make it in this business If you can find a simple strategy that allows you to put the odds in your favor by trading with the longer term trend you will be miles ahead of most. I have found that Andrew s Forex System has over delivered in both of these respects I also really like the fact that the system allows you the flexibility to make it your own, and trade it in a way that is best suited to your own personality and trading style Let me give you an example by showing you a fairly recent trade I took on the AudNzd pair below. Note other indicators included with the system have been cropped out of the photo. As you can see from the chart above the AudNzd has been in a nice bearish trend On December 4th and again on December 9th the system triggered a short trade I personally like to put my stop 5-10 pips above the recent swing high level Assuming the trade goes as planned once the trade is at a 1 1 risk vs reward level I move my stop to break even At this point the trade becomes a risk free trade which is a very nice spot to be in as a trader I set my take profit level to the 1 2 risk vs reward level so that I am always aiming to gain twice as many pips from the trade as I am risking As you can see from the chart above the trade did end up reaching the 1 2 risk vs reward level. Putting the odds in your favor by trading only in the direction of the trend, and ensuring that your winning trades are larger than your losing trades is a deadly combination and has been working quite nicely for me. If you are looking f or a great, simple and profitable system that will allow you to put the odds of trading with the trend in your favor I would highly recommend checking out the system here Andrews Forex System. Well that s about it for now, and I hope you have a great start to your 2015 trading year. So today I am going to continue where we left off last post As I was saying, I truly believe the more you can strip down and simplify your trading the more success you will ultimately find. In my humble opinion I would also say that watching previous support and resistance levels or zones on the higher time frames 4 Hour Daily to see how price reacts at those levels can be an extremely powerful and simple strategy when it comes to forex trading. In my last post I expressed that price can really only do one of three things when it reaches these levels if you think about it 1 It can push through and keep on going, 2 It can bounce and reverse back the other way, or 3 It can stall out and consolidate for a while si deways before continuing in the same direction or reversing. Take a look at the chart below which shows the UsdChf currency pair from last week on the 4 Hour chart. The 4 Hour chart is my personal favorite to trade from As you can see from the chart above I mark support and resistance levels ie bounces Once the recent support and resistance levels are marked out you simply wait until price approaches one of the levels I usually check my charts twice per day for potential trading opportunities, once in the morning and once in the evening , which is usually often enough if you are working from the 4 Hour chart. As you can see from the chart above the UsdChf has been in a bit of an uptrend lately There was a recent bounce support at about the 0 9135 level on August 26th before it kept going bullish Price then retraced back toward this support level on August 28th What did price do As you can see price temporarily broke through the support level, but then quickly reversed with a nice bullish engulfing bar What did this price action tell us Well to me, this was a big clue that this support level was likely to hold, and price was likely to continue going bullish. What did price do next Well it did pull back slightly toward the support level again, but then pushed nicely upwards about 45 pips toward a recent resistance level before the market closed for the weekend. At these key levels I am typically looking for one of several candle patterns as a clue that the level may hold One is an engulfing bar that engulfs one or more of the previous bars, and is going in the opposite direction This is what happened in the chart above. Another candle pattern to look out for is known as a pin bar or shooting star shown below. This candle pattern forms with a long tail and a small head The pin bar on the left is what is known as a bearish pin bar, and the pin bar on the right is known as a bullish pin bar A bearish pin bar may indicate that price may continue dropping bearish and a bullish pi n bar may indicate that price may continue rising bullish Why this pattern is significant is that it also shows that price is moving in one direction, but then quickly rejects that level and moves in the opposite direction. The final pattern that I watch out for is basically the same as the pin bar, but instead of the reversal action happening during one candle it is spread out over two candles This is known as the 2 candle reversal shown below. The 2 candle reversal patter on the left would be a bearish signal as price moved up but rejected the upper level and moved back down The 2 candle reversal patter on the right would be a bullish signal as price moved down but rejected the lower level and moved back up. Just one more comment about the UsdChf above Personally I usually only enter a trade if I can get a 1 2 risk vs reward from the trade Most often you will need to wait for a bit of a pull back toward your support or resistance level before entering in order to get in at a good enough price In my next post I will talk more about good ways to choose your stop loss and take profit values even before you enter the trade, so that you can get a 1 2 risk vs reward if the trade is successful. I also believe that choosing your stop loss and take profit levels before you even enter the trade is very very important, because it takes much of the emotion, decision making and objectiveness out of the trade once you are in Believe it or not, but your thinking and decision making process is at its clearest and most objective before you enter the trade and have money on the line As soon as you are in the trade your objectivity goes down, and emotions such as fear and greed often begin to take over Getting a handle on these emotions can be one of the most difficult aspects of trading Well more on these issues in the next post. I hope you enjoyed this post and if you did I kindly ask that you share, like, or comment Have a great day. Hello all, I hope you are having a great summer Summ er is a time for enjoying the outdoors as much as possible, which I have also been trying to take full advantage of before another winter sets in But now that we are getting closer to fall time, and getting closer to increased volatility in the forex markets as summer comes to end, my attention is turning back to forex trading again. I just wanted to write a little today about what I believe makes a profitable forex trading plan Like most things in life I truly believe that the more simple you can keep your trading plan the more profitable you will be I think we all have this instinctive idea in our minds, either consciously or subconsciously, that a forex trading plan needs to be complex in order to be profitable However, I personally believe the opposite to be true In my humble opinion the more you can simplify your approach to trading the more success you will find. In this blog post I am going to intentionally over simplify things but I plan to get into more detail in my posts to fol low. If you have been following my blog for any length of time you will know that I am a strong believer in trading with clean charts on the higher time frames What do I mean by clean charts I mean using very few, if any, indicators, and relying on price alone for clues as to what a particular currency pair may do next. By saying that I rely on price, what I mean is that I am primarily looking at support and resistance levels, and what price is doing at those levels As price approaches these historic support and resistance levels we should be getting ready to observe the valuable clues that the market is offering. Price can really only do one of three things once it reaches a key support or resistance level 1 break through and keep on going, 2 reject the level and reverse in the opposite direction, or 3 stall or consolidate at that level for some time before moving in either direction. In my next post I will discuss a little more about the type of candle pattern formations that often occur at these key support and resistance levels, and if carefully observed will provide high probability trading opportunities. Have a great day and stay tuned for the next post. So as promised in my last post I was going to share with you a great trading tool that I have been using for a while, and I must say so far I am quite impressed This trading tool not only helps me to quickly identify whether a particular forex pair is trending but it also helps me to objectively pick a sweet entry point to get in. The system or tool that I have been using to assist with my forex trend trading is called Andrew s Forex System The creator of the system is Andrew Sarraf What I love most about this system is that it fits my particular trading style and my particular trading preference to a tee. First of all the Andrew s Forex System uses the 4 hour charts to identify potential trade setups If you have been following my blog you will know that I am a big fan of trading from the daily and 4 hour charts I bel ieve these higher time frame charts provide the most stress free form of trading, are the least time intensive, and ultimately the most profitable If you check out Andrew s Forex System links above you will see that he recommends using the indicators on the 4 hour charts 4 Hour charts are great because in my opinion they provide a great balance between frequency of trade entry opportunities and reliability of the entry signals. On his sales page Mr Sarraf points out that Andrew s Forex System is great because it is reliable, consistent, provides a system for people with very little time to analyze or sit in front of their charts every day. I have been using Andrew s Forex System for quite a while now and I would have to say that I agree with all of these claims so far Now you and I both know there is no such thing as a holy grail forex system There is no system on the planet that is going to give you 100 profitable signals, and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying But so far I have fo und that when used properly, the signals that this system is providing fairly consistent winners, and the system is profitable especially when using a 1 2 or more risk vs reward target. The other part of his sales page that I would agree with is that the system is fantastic if you don t have a ton of spare time Let s face it, most of us our very busy Most of us don t have the luxury of spending hours per day analyzing our charts and placing trades Personally, using the Andrew s Forex System indicators I am only spending 20 30 minutes per day tops I usually check my charts quickly in the morning before I am off to start my day, and again in the evening after supper. You see this system is basically identifying stable trends on a forex currency pairs that have been in place for 3 weeks or more The system also helps you identify the sweet spot to enter with the trend after there has been a small retracement The system provides an objective non-repainting signal to identify the optimal entry point In turn this provides the best chances of a high probability and good risk vs reward entry point. Not only does Andrew s Forex System provide you with your optimal entry points, the Pdf manual provided with the system, offers suggestions on optimal stop loss placement and take profit levels Generally I have been using a 1 2 risk vs reward so that even if only 50 of my trades are successful I am in profit over the long term. In my next review post for Andrew s Forex System I plan to post my own video showing a live trade example But I thought for now I would share with you a nice video review by below I think they also do a pretty nice job of highlighting the strengths of this system. As with any system you cannot just blindly take any and all signals generated by the system You will still need to use a bit of common sense, and that device between your ears to avoid low probability set ups But having said that I honestly believe the Andrew s Forex System offers a great low cost stra tegy to trade with the trend So far I have found that when his system is used properly it has been profitable and fairly reliable I would definitely recommend aiming for at least a 1 2 risk vs reward, and with the trend on your side you will find that price will often hit your TP level You just need a bit of patience. Well that s about it for Part I of my review of Andrew s Forex System If you are looking for a nice way to make steady consistent gains in the Forex market I would strongly recommend you give this one a look Andrew s Forex System. You can Check out Part II of my Andrew s Forex System Review by clicking here. Have a fantastic weekend.
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